Part 102: The Next Step

Yuri is still unconscious after Nicolai's attack.

He's also back in the Graveyard.

He's right in front of the third door, the one that won't open.

He tries to open the door
Hey, Alice! Are you in there?

He listens at the door, trying to find out where the voice is coming from.
I...I've gotta get in there!
It won't open! ...Why won't it open?! I gotta get in! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

He backs up to get a running start.

He slams his shoulder into the door.

It doesn't accomplish anything.

Meanwhile, it looks like they got Yuri out of Mt. Fuji, at least.
...Bite me!
He's awake!
"Bite me"?
What's that?!
He said it!
Where am I?
The Fountain of Sukune.

He tries to get up.
Hey! Stay still!
Don't try to get up.
They're right. You've been out for three days; you've got to take it easy.
Wait, he's been unconscious for three days, and you've just had him lying on a damp cave floor? Really? Even if the fountain has mystical powers, you couldn't bring him a futon? A blanket?
Anything? Really, Karin?
Three days?! What about Kato?
Is he dead?
No. But we were the only ones who got out of there.
I see.
He said that if you lived, you should come to the Foreigner's Cemetery.
Foreigner's Cemetery? In Yokohama?
Karin nods
I got it.

And with that, we automatically end up in Saki's house.
Looks like I caused you all a lot of worry... But I'm fine now.
Don't brush it off like that! Understand how poor Karin's been feeling, nursing you night and day without sleep.
Yeah, well. You know...
And everybody else too! Listen to me!
But an even greater crisis, a profound sorrow, threatens to darken the sky. A feeling of empty destruction...
Is it him...?
I hear the screams of a heart stifled by sorrow and anger. Anguish that no one can heal...
I know that feeling.
Are you going to put an end to it?
...For a friend, yes. And he's a good friend of mine.
Go to your destiny.